Frequently Asked Questions


  • Do I have to install TextMeshPro

    Yes, All text in Muk are using TextMeshPro. So you will need to install it. 

  • Do I have to install DOTween?

    Yes. Most of Muk's animation are using DOTween. So you will need to install it. DOTween offer both free and paid version. You can use either one.

  • Muk Text is not displaying

    Check if you have isntalled TextMeshPro. If not, you can go to Tools > Muk Setup, and click “Install TextMeshPro”. It will show a new popup for installing TextMeshPro.

  • Having Shader problem(Black screen)

    Try to add all the shaders in the “Muk > ThridParty > BlurUI > Material” and "Muk > ThridParty > UiRoundedCorners > Shaders" to “Always Include” in the Graphic Setting.

  • iOS Blur is not working

    Try to adjust the value in UI Blur renderer feature. See if it’s showing. 

    The value set in Muk is what looks best in our development. You may chane the value to see what suits your case best.


  • Muk Component is acting weirdly, showing abnormally color or shape.

    Try to move the cursor to the Editor Window, sometime it's just not refreshed.

    If it's still not working, try the following.

    Go to the Muk componenet script in Inspector Window, click the three dots on the script object, and click Reset. (For example – Muk Button, select Muk button, in the Inspector Window, click the three dots on the MukButton script, and click Reset).

  • Animation is not working

    Check if you have installed DOTween. Since Muk uses DOTween for most of the animtion. You can go to Tools > Muk Setup, and click “Download DoTween”. It will go to DOTween unity asset store page. You can download and install it from there.

  • UI is gone when enter play mode

    Check if the “Show with Navgation” is untick on the MukUICanvas for the first scene. If this is ticked, the UI will init from out of the screen in order to show the enter scene animation.

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