Similar to Muk alert. Muk bottom action sheet is a type of alert that slides from the bottom. Muk bottom action sheet can have a title, a description, and a maximum of four buttons for users to click. (iOS platform has one more Cancel button at the bottom.). You configure the colors in MukAppTheme. It follows the platform type from MukAppData.
For more details on how to show the Muk bottom action sheet, please refer to the code below.
using Muk;
// Show Action sheet
public void ShowActionSheet()
AlertButton cancelButton = new AlertButton("Cancel", () => { print("Cancel clicked"); });
AlertButton[] buttons = {
new AlertButton("Button 1", () => {print("Button 1 clicked");}),
new AlertButton("Button 2", iOSColor.systemGreen_Light, () => {print("Button 2 clicked");}),
new AlertButton("Button 3", iOSColor.systemRed_Light, () => {print("Button 3 clicked");}),
MukBottomActionSheetManager.Instance.SetTitle("This is demo action sheet");
MukBottomActionSheetManager.Instance.SetMessage("This is the body of the demo action sheet.");
// MukBottomActionSheetManager.Instance.IsDismissByBackground(false);
// MukBottomActionSheetManager.Instance.SetButton(buttons[0]); // If you just want to show only one button.
MukBottomActionSheetManager.Instance.SetCancelButton(cancelButton); // Only for iOS