In order for scene animation to work. It’s best to use Muk UI Canvas for the UI.
Create Muk UI Canvas #
To create Muk UI Canvas, right-click in the Hierarchy > Muk > MukUICavas. You will see a new object(Muk UI Canvas) created in the Hierarchy. You can create multiple Muk UI canvases. For optimization, you should split your canvas into multiple canvases. But Muk nav/scene animation will loop through all the Muk UI canvas in the previous scene and the current scene. So it’s best to not have too many Muk UI Canvas. You will need to have a balance.
MukUICanvas uses Screen Space – Camera in MukUICanvas, and Muk will auto-assign MainCamera to the canvas
Container #
After you created Muk UI canvas. You will see there’s a child object – Container inside Muk UI Canvas. You can add your UI elements inside the container including Muk UI components or other UI.
Content Padding #
You can set the top and bottom padding of the content related to MukNavBar and MukBottomBar.
There is a component attached to MukUICanvas – ContentPadding, and there are two options you can set.
NavBarPadding – If you tick this, you will see the top of the MukUICanvas’s Content will be at the bottom of MukNavBar.
BottomBarPadding – If you tick this, you will see the bottom of the MukUICanvas’s Content will be at the top of MukBottomBar.
Muk UI Canvas - Properties #
Property | Desciption | Value |
Canvas Type | What kind of canvas is this. (UI Canvas) *Do not change this value, as it will affect the scene animation. | |
Show With Navigation | This show with the scene animation. | If you wish to show the scene with the platform scene animation. tick this option. *For the first scene, you should untick this, as it will not show anything if you ticked it. |