Properties #
Property | Desciption | Value |
Platform Type | Which UI Platform should Muk Components display. | Device - Base on device. iOS UI for iOS device, Material design for others. iOS - iOS design. Material - Material design. |
Dark Mode | Use Dark mode or light mode. You can set color for each mode in theme settings. | Dark - Dark Mode. Light - Light Mode. |
Is Show iOS Blur | Is show blur for certain Muk components(Alert / Nav bar...) in iOS. For optimization you can turn this off. | Tick - Show blur in iOS. Untick - Do not show blur. |
iOS Theme Data | The theme data for iOS. You can create different themes and swap this value with the theme you like. | |
Material Theme Data | The theme data for material design. You can create different themes and swap this value with the theme you like. |
* Note that the MukAppData values are universal so when you change it, it will affect all the Muk components.